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Active Learning
Remember more from reading
Using active learning involves thinking deeply about the material which you are learning. It involves thinking about the material from different perspectives and processing it on a deeper level.
Explain Like I’m 5
Start with simple examples
Understanding new material requires you to relate it to things you already understand. Five-year-olds understand real-world concepts, but only the most basic ones. Start your understanding of something new with the simplest example possible. Try Eli5 in Learn.
Flashcard Reference
Reference the origin of your flashcard
If you are reviewing a flashcard which you have forgotten, press the reference in its answer to return to the material it was created from.
Review using Spaced Repetition
Create long term retention
Spaced repetition is achieved through increasing intervals between points of review. Spaced repetition has been heavily used by medical students for years to memorise anatomy and medicinal interactions.

Visualise your Knowledge
Focus on the right material
From the points you score whilst reading and the points you score whilst reviewing, we are able to show you where your knowledge is at. This allows you to see which parts of your material you should focus on, and which can be revised another time.

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There are NO Mimair Credits.
The cost for using Mimair is relative to how much you use it. We charge you the cost of all your AI generations + 20% for the people who build Mimair.